Please read Thomas Sowell's wonderful column from yesterday, "the Degeneration of Democracy". I am a huge Thomas Sowell fan and this article was fantastic.
I LOVE Jane Austen--I paint, canvas and walls, write, love houses, decorating, and music--I am a conservative and love politics--I have a sweet husband, three lovely daughters and tons of laughter. I am just a mom trying to have a peaceful orderly house, and a home for beauty and art at the same time--INFJ--I dream in color--I'm a Mormon!--Military wife--My kids say s'mores will make me jump on a table--I meditate daily--incandescent lightbulbs rule-- Once my brother and I had the same dream--I memorized the presidential oath of office when I was 13--I also saved a giant cornflake and displayed it in a jewelry box--I've been chased by police in Japan--Biofuels cause famine.--Not a treadmill kind of girl. When Reagan became president I wrote about it in my diary--There is NO caffeine in chocolate, it's a lie--I can write backwards in cursive--I heart sun and water--I've Danced Mr. Beveridge's Maggot--One day while bored I planned my dinner menu for the entire year--I don't mess with Texas--My puppy is cuter than yours--If a hot fudge tanker truck ever overturns in front of me, I'm turning on my hazard lights, kicking off my shoes, and goin' in.